Organic crib mattresses are among the most costly mattress one can buy but it has its own benefits over the normal mattress. The materials which are used to make these organic crib mattress need to be safe, non-toxic and harmless to the health of your baby. Most of the manufacturers mix chemical substances which are very harmful. While choosing the best mattresses, you need to take adequate care of which materials are used to make that mattress. According to organic crib mattress reviews, these materials are of good quality and known to be safe.
Filling materialsfor organic crib mattress
The filling material used for making these organic materials is organic cotton which is natural, non-toxic, firm and breathable. Cotton is a natural material which will not burst into flames or either release toxic fumes when ignited into flames.
Sometimes even wool is commonly used as a filling material for mattresses as they are naturally fire resistant, dust mites cannot harbor in the wool mattresses as they do not provide a favorable condition for them and most importantly they are moisture resistant. But, wool can be allergenic and you may not be aware whether your baby is allergic to wool or not.
Latex or natural rubber is also used as a filling material for organic crib mattress. But, latex can contain harmful chemicals which are added during processing. Natural latex is also known to be highly allergenic and can cause anaphylactic shock. Rarely, it may also be the case that your baby is allergic to natural latex
Surface material used for covering of organic crib mattress
The crib mattress must be completely water-proof in order to ensure good hygiene of the baby. With wetness in the mattress, it can cause mold, mildew, fungi or bacteria to grow in that mattress. All this can be hazardous for the health of your baby and thus it is essential to disallow any amount of moisture on the surface of the crib mattress. A non-toxic waterproof cover of plastic is vital to make sure the mattress stays moisture resistant. But the problem is that not all the plastics are safe and environmentally friendly.
Low density food grade polyethylene is the safest plastic which can be used in mattresses. It is made up of good chemical substances and does not contain phthalates or other additional chemicals which are unsafe. While production of other plastics, they release vinyl, dioxins and other chemical materials into the environment. This was also the only material to be used for crib mattress covers to prevent SIDS in the crib death prevention campaign in New Zealand.
These materials ensure that the organic crib mattresses actually stay organic and natural. Using eco-friendly materials for the crib mattress is another good way to ensure that you are not harming the nature as well as your baby’s health. The crib mattresses should be completely safe so that your baby can comfortably rest, sleep or crawl in it without any health hazards.
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